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Don't approach God FOOLISHLY


Don't make the mistake of approaching God with a bad attitude and with the wrong motive. God is not your homeboy and He is not a figure of your imagination. God is a consuming Spirit with all power. When you approach Him, humble yourself, do it in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. Sometimes we do things that we don't understand. As I studied the book of Job, I found out that no matter what be sincere about what you say to God. Job was a man of great substance and the bible says that he lost it all in one day. But he never charged God foolishly. In the bible, Job 1:21 "And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." After Job lost everything, verse 22 says, "In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." Can you bless God when things are not going well in your life? You must understand that God does as it pleases Him. You can humble yourself and be blessed in the name of Jesus or you can miss out on what God has for you. Jesus taught men should always pray and not faint. And whatsoever we desire, ask in His name. We must believe in our hearts that God loves us and He can keep us from the destruction of the wicked one. Then God RESTORES you inwardly by the new birth in Christ and He gives you more substance than you ever had. Trust God, He is ABLE!


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