You have more reasons to celebrate your life than you realize. Decide to stop complaining and put your faith in action. You will see some results and some answered prayers. When you can't find a reason to smile, it might be you. Happiness comes in many ways. Look on the inside of yourself and find peace and joy. Money is not always the answer. Sometimes it can be your downfall. When you focus on what you don't have, you don't appreciate what you already have. Life is more than a bed of roses; it also has rows of hard knocks. Build a life of love and peace and reap the rewards. Evil is always present; you can overcome it by doing good deeds. Your good works will speak for you. There is a difference between Joy and Enjoyment. Joy is everlasting, and enjoyment is for a moment. Pleasure seekers are often disappointed in people, places, and things. You must realize that joy comes in serving the Lord. Jesus taught His disciples about staying connected to the Vine. When we are faithful, we become fruitful. The fruit that we bear is to the glory of God. Love is the key to the joy of the Lord. The Lord does not expect us to love; it's a commandment. In the bible KJV, St.John 15:10-11, " If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." Sin and the lust for enjoyment will take away your joy.
thunder the baptist
putting the Lord's business in the street