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Tommy Dyer

Most people complain about the lack of opportunity. Did you take advantage of the opportunity to pray this morning? Praying is a privilege; it's an opportunity to talk with God. God gives us a chance to bring our problems to Him. We must trust and bless His Holy Name. Praying helps us come to God in humble submission. Be careful not to approach God with the wrong motive. We can get God's attention when we are sincere. Every day, we have an opportunity to WAlk, WORK, and WORSHIP God.

Be mindful of the choices that you make. Let nothing and no one take away your choice. It's the only thing you own. The enemy wants you to believe you have plenty of time to seek salvation. God gives us another chance every day. Take advantage of the opportunity to be kind. It takes no effort to be mean. You can make a difference in someone's life. Walk with God, do the work of an effective witness, and worship God. Today may be your last chance to do so.

thunder the baptist

putting the Lord's business in the street

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