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Remember, Don't forget the Warning


There is a story in the bible about a man named Lot and his family who lived in a city called Sodom. In the city, there was great wickedness. Two angels came to destroy the city. Lot received a warning to take his family and flee the city. The angels told them not to look back, but his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. Sometimes we take warnings lightly when we should respond with urgency. The disobedience of Lot's wife was careless. God can work the impossible when we are obedient. Lot and his daughters were delivered because they obeyed the command.

The Word of God warns of the consequences of sin. We must repent of our sins and be born again. Without repentance, there is no deliverance. Salvation is for the repentant soul. Deliverance is threefold. 1. God delivers us from the PENALTY of Sin. 2. The PLEASURE of Sin and The POWER of Sin. Deliverance brings a CHANGE to your way of thinking. A new way of life is within you. Pray and give God the Glory for the great things He has done.


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