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What do you give someone who has everything? No matter how much we get we are never satisfied. Discontentment is a reproducing seed that starts in the heart. Arrogance, conceit, and anxiety are the ways of discontentment. The saying, “I can’t get no satisfaction” describes most of our personalities. The more we get the more we want. The desires of the heart are greater than we will ever become. When you are consumed by selfishness and conceit, it will get the best of you. If you don’t get your way about everything it causes you to become unhappy.  Happiness comes from within and not by material things that we possess.  You must first learn to be happy with yourself and be content with the things that have.  When you worry about what others have, you will measure your success by what they have. The disappointment of not having what others have will cause you to be discontent. The bible (KJV) warns us about being content with the things that God has blessed us with. There are so many who are less fortune than we are. In Hebrews 13:5, “Let your conversations be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” We are reminded to not talk about or wish for the possessions of others, because God has blessed you according to His will.  And above all, we have the promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us. Being content is up to you, it’s a decision that you should make.  God has blessed us with eternal life through Christ and you cannot put a price on salvation.  Being saved by the atoning sacrificial work of the Lord Jesus Christ should make us the most content people in the world. You must learn to be content through prayer and being an effective witness for the Lord.  


thunder the baptist

“putting the Lord’s business in the street”


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