The Holy Spirit is God, and the Son of Man (Christ) has made it possible for every man to know God and be Spirit-Filled. When we are not led by the Holy Spirit, we walk in darkness. Jesus said, "Men love darkness rather than light because the light exposes their deeds." Men are evil by nature, but the Holy Spirit leads men to Christ, the Light of the world. Men reject the Holy Spirit because they can not see Him. The good works that Christ did in the presence of men; made some of them hate Him and the Father. They hated Jesus because He told them the truth about their sins, and they rejected the truth. Every man must accept Christ into their life and be born again to receive atonement for their sins. Without Christ, man will perish in his sins. Sin makes you the enemy of God, but when you accept Christ into your life, you become a child of God through Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we have assurance and we are safe in the Lord. The Holy Spirit is our Leader, our Teacher, and our Guide. The Spirit empowers the Christian Witness with a gift (talent) or several gifts for service in the Church. The Church is in each born-again believer. We must work by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our work is a personal work and a collective work; to the glory of God. Sometimes you feel all alone, but Christ said that He would not leave us alone, but He would send the Comforter, the Spirit of truth
thunder the baptist
putting the Lord's business in the street