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Tommy Dyer

Think for Yourself

Most people will go out of their way to tell you what they think and why you should listen to them. Our perception of things is not always what they appear to be. The things we see and hear can motivate us to think a certain way. Most of our thoughts are self-centered and self-serving. Social media can influence how we act and react to others. As we mature spiritually, we should learn to think logically and practically. Then we can become more EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE in what we do. If you speak before you think, you might say the wrong thing. What you think is a matter of opinion. Be careful with your opinion and advice because advice not asked for is called meddling. Someone can always tell you how to live and what you ought to do. They can't run their own life. When there is a concern for others motivated not by selfish reasons, your thinking (mind) is ready for change.

The best decisions are not always the right decision. When you make the right choice, you can live with it. Be a leader and not a follower.

thunder the baptist

putting the Lord's business in the street

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