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Trust and Obey God


Trust God and have faith in His saving power. Our souls cries out to God for Compassion, Comfort and Companionship. We are dead in sins and our sins has separated us from God. Only God can quicken (make alive) our souls. God is merciful to them that seek Him, He is calling you. Don't get to busy to hear the Word of God and don't be deceived by the voice of others. There are others gods that speak, but don't be deceived. Money is powerful, but it can't save your soul and it can't buy you love. Everybody loves money, but money don't love nobody. There is only one God, our Creator and He loves all mankind. Put your trust in God and be obedient to His Word and you will live forever. God gave Adam a commandment to keep (live by). And his disobedience (sin) caused death to come upon all mankind. We are disobedient by nature. By the obedience of Christ we are passed from death unto eternal life. God will direct your path and He will lead you into all righteousness. Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Moses trusted God when God sent him on a mission. The key to their success was OBEDIENCE. If you trust God and obey Him, He will be with you. We can not please God without faith. We must obey the command to repent of our sins, and be born again. The invitation is extended to all men everywhere. In the bible (KJV), St. Matthew 11:28-30,"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, then we can become obedient. We must follow Christ and be filled with the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit empowers every believer to follow Christ. Obedience is the KEY to trusting God...

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